Tuesday, December 16, 2008

#23 Is This Really the End?

It is interesting to me that in my last post I commented on wanting to retain the use of technology that I have learned and improve on it in 2009. If a course like this were to be offered again I would definitely use the tutor service more. Donna was so helpful, kind and patient plus a boatload of help. I have a couple of favorite lessons. The ones on Soho, pod casts and the audio books come to mind. It was unexpected for me to actually be able to navigate some of these sites AND enjoy doing it. I really am afraid of technology because I, for some reason, think I will break something beyond repair. I know that is not really possible but... For future courses, I would offer the course both independently or with a facilitator. The tutor was wonderful but maybe not available enough for some of us. Several things have occurred during the course. First, I have lost some of my fear of going into some of these sites and exploring. The second, is that I understand more technology terminology. Finally, I see the value of knowing these things. As it said in the 3 Icebergs article, if we want to keep the library relevant and helpful to ourselves and the public then we must use the technology to do so.

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